DuVall Elementary School

Jennifer Schulte

Mobile Dentist Date Change to 2/29

Hello Penguin Families. Just a quick update that the date for the Mobile Dentist has changed to Thursday, 2/29 (was 2/21). You can register online or stop into the office for a permission form. https://www.myschooldentist.com/34209_schsrm Our school has partnered with...

Reminder – Students that arrive after bell rings

Friendly Reminder – All doors are locked at 9:00 am and attendance is taken by teachers.  You must bring your student to the main office through Door 1 and sign them in.  If you do not sign your child in, they will be marked absent.    We’ve had attendance...

February No School Dates

Greetings DuVall Parents, Some February dates to remember: Monday Feb. 19 - No School Tuesday, Feb. 27 - No School - Voting Day - We encourage all our families to go out and vote. The Operating Millage Renewal is on the ballot. The Operational Millage is part of the...

Teatime with a Twist Painting Event

Just a reminder, RSVPs are due tomorrow so we can get a count for supplies. All Lady Penquin and any special females in their life are invited. $15 per family/group.