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Class News
Final Notes
Dear DuVall Families, Here are a few notes to end the year: Fifth Grade clap out is at 9:45. Students will exit from door 7 in the back of school and walk along Francis, entering in our front door. They will process through the school and down to the gym for their...
Thursday, Kickball Game
On Thursday at 2:30 we will have our first ever 5th grade vs. Staff kickball game. All students in grades K-4 will be outside watching the game. Students should bring an old blanket to sit on. Our PTA will be selling beverages, hot dogs, chips, and ice cream....
Week of June 3-7
Dear DuVall Families, It's hard to believe this is the last weekly email/post of the year. Many thanks to all of our staff, students, parents, and community members for all of your support this year. DuVall is a very special place because of the people. I truly...
Native Plant Sale
Our 4th Annual Native Plant Sale and Butterfly Festival is tomorrow, 9:00 am- 2:00 pm during the Edison Street Sale! Please lend a hand and sign up below to help at this super fun event!
Park and Pool Drivers
If you are driving Monday for Park and Pool, we need a copy of your vehicle registration and insurance. This is a district requirement for any parent driven events along with the iChat form. Please come to the office before 4:30 pm today or Monday morning before you...
Ice Cream Social Today!
We are so excited for our Ice Cream Social today, 5:30-8:00. We are still in need of a few volunteers. The shifts are only 30-60 minutes so you have time to enjoy the social with your family. Please sign up at:...
Native Plant Sale & Butterfly Festival- Please shop and Volunteer- signup genius
Please join us at our 4th Annual Native Plant Sale and Butterfly Festival this Saturday, June 1 9:00 am- 2:00 pm during the Edison Street Sale! Learn how to find butterfly eggs and learn about and buy all your favorite native plants!!! East Michigan Native...
Developmental Preschool Information
Early Release Tuesday 5/28
Reminder- dismissal at 2:25pm today. Next week 6/4 - Tuesday dismissal at regular time of 3:55pm