Our fall Count Day is tomorrow Wednesday, October 2, 2024! It is very important for your student to attend on COUNT Day as it directly relates to the amount of funding we receive from the state. Please wear your Detroit Tigers gear to celebrate.
Class News
Kickball Saturday, Oct. 5 Volunteer Sign Up
There was a mix up on the sign up genius for this week's kickball volunteers. If you didn't sign up for anything this time but received an email indicating you did, please delete yourselves off the list. If you are fine with donating/volunteering again, you can leave...
Book Fair Money
Dear Families, I am so sad to inform you that we had three students that had money taken out of their backpack today. The total missing is $65.00. If your child has money and you don't know why, please question him/her about it. Beginning on Wednesday, if your...
September 30-October 4
Dear DuVall Families, Our PTA will be voting at their next meeting to approve the cost of a camera on our playground. The cost of the camera is $1,851.00. I appreciate all of the parents that offered to donate towards the camera after our playground was vandalized...
Book Bingo this Friday 9/27
Friday, 9/27 6:00 pm in the Cafeteria (Enter through Doors 5 or 8)
Tuesday 9/24 – Early Release 2:25pm
Friendly Reminder - dismissal at 2:25pm today. Thank you!
Week of September 23-27
Dear DuVall Families, Thank you to everyone who attended our Watch D.O.G.S. meeting last week. A huge thank you to those that signed up to volunteer as a Watch D.O.G. If you would like to sign up, any time during the school year, please stop in the office. You may...
Letter to the DuVall School Community
Please click on this link to view a letter from Dr. Maleyko, Mrs. Timpf, and David Mustonen concerning the events that took place earlier this week. https://docs.google.com/document/d/18ErqFI6t2wPBhKdvh6UtV32nY7Vr8tTFFi7M0xxFr-E/edit?usp=sharing
PTA Mum Pick-Up Times- Thursday, 9/19
Mum pick up tomorrow on Francis 10:30-11:30 am and 2:30-4:00 pm Any mums after that time will be brought into the lobby for pick up. Thank you for your PTA support!
Safety Message
To view a safety message, in English and Arabic, from Dearborn Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Glenn Maleyko and Dearborn Police Chief Issa Shahin please click on this link:...