DuVall Elementary School

Week of May 20-24

Dear DuVall Families,

Our Clean-Up Parade is at 1:30 on Wednesday. Students are asked to wear DuVall shirts. If they do not have one then please have them wear a white shirt. Students will walk on the sidewalk around the block carrying posters they have made that remind us to take care of our Earth and community. We will then go to the gym for a short ceremony. A couple of students will give speeches as will our mayor. Parents and community members are invited. We will conclude this event with ur Green Club, Ambassadors, guests, and parents going outside to dedicate our new tree donated by our City Beautiful Commission. This is a dogwood tree that we recently planted on Francis near door 5. Our students have named this new tree, “Bark.”

Our Ice Cream Social is fast approaching. This is our biggest fundraiser of the year and is also a big event for the entire community. I hope to see everyone there! Prizes available to win are bicycles, VRs, lunch, mani & pedi with Mrs. Timpf, Principal for a day, baskets of all types filled with all kinds of great items, gift cards, and a whole lot more!! We are in need of donations. If you are able to donate food items that are sold please click here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C084DACAE28A7F8C61-47224485-icecream If you are able to volunteer, please sign-up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C084DACAE28A7F8C61-47199750-icecream Many thanks to the parent who have started putting the baskets together and wrapping them.

Our students won a bike repair station two years ago. Due to the construction it was just recently installed. There are all the tools you would need to repair a bike, an air pump, and a QR code to assist with directions. This station is available to our entire community and is located on the playground at the corner of the building near door 10.

Thank you to our seven students who performed in the Honors Choir Concert last Thursday. Our students shined above all others! The soloists and MC astounded me with their talent. Many thank to their conductor and teacher, Ms. Rafferty and all of the parents that made sure they attended rehearsals and the concert.

Thank you to our Butterfly & Garden Club who presented to the Dearborn Garden Club last Tuesday. The students taught the attendees about butterflies and pollinators. Everyone was very impressed with our students knowledge and behavior. Many thanks to Robbin Makled and Jennifer Clark, our parents that facilitate this club, Mrs. Alasry who helps out, and to all of the parents that drove and attended the presentation.

Thank you to everyone who supported the Buffalo Wild Wings fundraiser last Monday.

Many thanks to all of the parents and grandparents that have popped popcorn this year! Our final Popcorn Day is Friday, May 31st.

This week’s notes:

Notes worth repeating:

  • Graduating seniors that attended DuVall for elementary school are invited to lead our 5th graders in their clap out that occurs right before their promotion ceremony. This is scheduled for Friday, June 7th at 9:45 with the ceremony at 10:00. We are asking that all seniors arrive at DuVall about 9:30 in their caps and gowns. Please pass the word!
  • GSRP (Great Start Readiness Program) Preschool applications for 2024-2025 are available at DuVall. If your child will be 4 before December 1, 2024 he/she is eligible. This free program runs Monday thru Thursday, 8:35-3:20 during the school year. DuVall has one classroom with 16 students. There are other classrooms at nearby schools as well. If you are interested stop by the DuVall office for an application and to schedule a registration date and time. You can also call Cotter at 313-827-6150 to ask any questions you may have.
DateThis Week’s ScheduleLunch First ChoiceLunch Second ChoiceWatch D.O.G.S.
MondayMusic Day
5th Grade Skits
Chicken NuggetsPeach Parfait
TuesdayNecklace or necktie Day
2:25 Early Release
Spring Concert, OL Smith (All students)
Bosco SticksVeggie WrapBob & Grace Ryan
WednesdayOutside Day
8:00 Arts & Crafts
8:00 Music Club
1:30 Clean-Up Parade
4:30 5th Grade Instrumental Concert, Gym
Beef Soft TacosNachos
ThursdayPlay outside Day – Field DayPizzaTuna Sliders 
FridayQuiet DayChicken Patty SandwichSunbutter & Jelly 

Upcoming Dates: 

May 31: Ice Cream Social

June 1: Native Plant Sale 

June 3: Park & Pool 

June 4: Kona Ice Truck, $3.00 per person

June 5: 5th Grade Park & Pool

June 6: 5th Grade vs. Staff Kickball Game, ice cream and other goodies will be sold by our PTA

June 7: 5th Grade Promotion, 10:00 (9:45 Clap-out) Last day of school

June 7: Last day of school for students 1/2 day a.m., dismissal 12:05; Teacher duty day p.m.