DuVall Elementary School

Week of November 20-24

Dear DuVall Families,

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thank you for supporting our students with last week’s bake sale! The amount of parent support was amazing and truly warmed my heart to see how supportive our families were. Our Ambassadors are excited about this project and are working hard. They created both fliers that went home last week and with the help of Mrs. Batha did all of the set up and selling of the bake sale. They also met with Mr. Dave last week to decide on a place where the Ga-Ga Ball Pit can go and what size we would need to purchase. We will meet this week to determine the exact Pit they want to purchase so we have a total that is needed. They do run around $2,000. Last week’s bake sale and donations got them off to a great start. They have $704.50 so far! Students will be brainstorming other ways to fundraise. I honestly thought this endeavor could possibly take more than this school year but it looks promising that they will get it done sooner than I thought possible.

Fight Against Hunger is another event that showed incredible participation. As a school we raised 1,176 items to donate to Zaman International. Our two kindergarten classes were in a battle of their own. Each class raised over 200 items with Mrs. Hughes coming out on top. However, with such high numbers of donations both classes will be awarded a pizza party. We will get it scheduled the week after Thanksgiving. Congratulations Kindergarteners!

We are looking for people to help out with our Ice Cream Social. This is our biggest fundraiser of the year and it takes a lot of planning. Michelle Linderman is heading this event and is holding a Zoom meeting on the 28th. Here is the information: Tuesday, November 28th.  Zoom Link: https://dearbornschools-org.zoom.us/j/83555366196?pwd=UzhXNnFFMlZvMk11YXNoanFUQVBrZz09 Meeting ID: 835 5536 6196 Passcode: 304107

Traffic: Parents are parking in the drop-off lane on Francis. This is not allowed. Parents should pull up, students exit their vehicle and come in, parents drive away. If parents want to walk their children to the door or playground they must park in a legal parking spot on the street. I know parking is one of our biggest challenges but unfortunately there is nowhere to add a parking lot. The problem with parents parking in the drop-off is that it is becoming filled and other parents are forced to dropped their children off in the middle of the street which isn’t safe. We do not want students having to walk between cars. Thank you for understanding.

Many wishes for a Happy Thanksgiving! DuVall is an amazing community with wonderful students, parents, staff, and neighbors. I am thankful for each one of you! Thank you for everything you do to support DuVall. You do this through being positive role models, reminding students to do the right thing, helping your children with their studies, listening to our students, sharing information with friends, meeting with teachers, sharing information about your children, the school, and the neighborhood that will help us do our jobs better, making donations, and more. You are making a difference, not only in your own child’s life but in all of our students lives every day! THANK YOU!

This week’s notes:

DateThis Week’s ScheduleLunch First ChoiceLunch Second ChoiceWatch D.O.G.S.
Monday7:45 Art Club, Room 101
9:15 LAHC Developmental Preschool & GSRP Preschool
Nachos & CheeseSunbutter & Jelly
Tuesday8:00 Math Club
1:55 Student Ambassadors
2:25 Early Release
Pepperoni PizzaFruit & Yogurt PlateBob Ryan
WednesdayNo SchoolNo School
ThursdayNo SchoolNo School
FridayNo SchoolNo School

Upcoming Dates:

November 29-30, December 1: Holiday Shop

December 1: Lock-in, 6:00-8:00 & Holiday Shop make-up

December 4-8: Book Fair

December 7: Sip & Shop (Storytime, hot chocolate, book fair)

December 13: PTA Meeting 6:30, Media Center and Zoom

December 22:  Schools close at end of day for Winter Break

December 25 – January 7: No school – Winter Break