DuVall Elementary School

June 12-16

Dear DuVall Families,

This is our last weekly post/email of the year. Time goes so quickly! Our students are taller, more mature, and ready to enjoy their well-deserved summer.

Many parents have asked me about next year. At this point we can’t even be sure of the grades our teachers will be assigned to. Over the summer so many things change, including the number of students in each grade, which determines our numbers of classrooms for each grade. Classlists will be probably be posted August 25th. Look for an email the week before school starts with more information.

Supply lists will be posted this week and will remain on our blog all summer. Supply lists are suggested and optional. If you decide to purchase any items on the lists we want you to have the information early so you can take advantage of summer sales.

Noon Hour Supervisor: We are in need of at least one noon hour supervisor for next year. The hours will be 11:30-2:15. There is a little flexibility and the hours could be 12:00-2:15. On Fridays the day would be finished at 1:30. This person would supervise our kindergarten through 5th grades and also supervise GSRP preschool during their nap time. There is some paperwork involved so if you are interested please let me know so the paperwork could be completed over the summer. It is also possible that we could hire two people, one for K-5 and one for GSRP.

Due to construction we cannot be in the building after June 16. Mrs. Jen, Ms. Bobbie, and I will be working at another location (TBD) until the 22nd. Please email us if you have questions concerning registration of new students or any other topic. We will either email you back or call you. My official last day of the year is June 29th. However, I will be taking some days off for my son’s wedding. I will be checking my email all summer but it may be a few days before I get back to you. Please be patient if you don’t hear back immediately.

Also due to the construction, we cannot have any type of summer school. We will have a literacy pop-up outside of the school on July 26, August 2, 9, 16, from 9:00-11:00. Students will receive a free books, some free supplies, and do an activity. We will send an email reminding everyone of this opportunity.

I can’t thank each of you enough for everything you have done to support DuVall, our students, and staff. We are so lucky we are in a community that takes care of our kids and are such great role models for them. It’s important that your children read each day this summer. Keeping a journal will also help their writing skills. Have a wonderful summer!

This week’s notes:

  • Our 5th graders will walk down Francis from the back of school to the front door on Beech and be clapped out before promotion. You are invited to come to Francis and see them process down the street around 9:55.
  • We will clap out Mrs. Meyer as she retires on Wednesday at 3:45.
  • Our lunch choices are posted below but may change. We will keep you posted once we are notified.
  • Please tell your children to keep their Penguin Tags. They can add to them next year. They should keep them in a place where they can be found when school starts.

Have a great summer!

Mary Timpf

DayActivities1st Choice2nd Choice
MondayWestern Day
9:30 Historical Museum Field Trip,  2nd Graders 
Nachos & Cheese Cat in the Hat Strawberry Parfait
TuesdayX”tra Sun Day
Park & Pool
Pizza – Park & Pool
WednesdayYummy Day
GSRP Last Day
3:45 Mrs. Meyer’s clap out
Hot Diggity DogVeggie Ranch Wrap 
ThursdayZoom Out Of School Day
9:55 5th grade clap out – line-up at 9:50
10:00 Fifth Grade Promotion
12:05 Dismissal
12:05 Dismissal – No Lunch
FridaySummer Vacation Begins!No School