DuVall Elementary School

Week of September 26-30

Dear DuVall Families,

Wow, I cannot thank you enough for all that you are doing for our school and our students. Every time I have asked for help parents have stepped up and volunteered. The best part is it hasn’t always been the same parents. I love how so many of you are sharing your talents and time with our school. This week I need to thank Mr. Placido, Mrs. Taha, and Mrs. Kuehn who volunteered to move books and ended up moving books, furniture, and vacuuming! We now have more room in our Media Center because of their hard work. Many thanks to Mrs. Freitag, Mrs. M. Gonzalez, and Mrs. Filip for popping popcorn for our first sale of the year. Thank you, Mrs. Noles, Mrs. Pinon, Mrs. Ryan, Mrs. Moore, Mrs. I. Gonzalez and Mrs. Burr for volunteering to unload and help with the mums’ delivery. Thank you to everyone who supported this fundraiser as well. Thank you to all of the parents that helped Mrs. Morrison’s class with planting flowers outside of her room last week, Mr. Rafferty, Mrs. Burr, Mrs. Makled, Mr. Schulte, and Mrs. Pinon. We appreciate all of our parents! Our school, especially our students, are so lucky to have each one of you.

This week I am looking for parents willing to run a before or after school club. We have teachers that run safeties, monitors, Chess Club, DuVall Depot, Vivace Singers and Book Club. We also have a parent, Mrs. Makled, who runs our Butterfly Club in the spring. We would like to increase what we are able to offer, especially for our younger students and are hoping a parent or two (or three) can help us out. Our students are asking about an art or cartoon club, garden club, and Lego club. Clubs should run one hour for each meeting and meet a minimum of 8 weeks. Robotics is also a great opportunity for our students. It takes a little more involvement and would be for grades 3-5. Robotics in grades K-2 is actually Legos so this could be offered instead of Lego club. Everything is flexible! If you are interested in helping out please let me know. If you have any other ideas to sponsor a club I am interested to hear your ideas.

This week’s reminders:

  • Please return the CEP forms, completely filled out ASAP. These forms are what our funding is based on. Without this funding Mrs. Fakih’s time would be cut in half, we would be limited in extra interventions we could offer, and instructional materials we could supply would also be limited. Thank you for sending these forms in and helping DuVall!
  • If you plan on volunteering at school or attending a field trip you must fill out an iChat form at least 2 weeks before the event. I suggest you come in soon to complete the paperwork, even if you don’t have any volunteer time scheduled and may not volunteer until spring. The iChats are valid for three years.
  • Please remember our traffic rules. All drop-off and pick-up should be done on Francis. Mrs. Chromicz lets students in door 5 in the morning so they can walk through the school to the playground. If students are coming to breakfast they can be dropped off on Francis and walk around to door 1. All pick-up is done on Francis or parents can park and walk to the playground. Do not park on the south side of Beech. This is a no parking area and police have been patrolling more often.
  • Thank you to the parents that have sent me Ride ‘N Walk pictures. It’s not too late for your children to sign up and stay healthy!
  • Our GSRP preschool begins on Monday.

Have a great week!

Mary Timpf

Day 1st Choice2nd Choice
MondayGSRP begins, 8:35-11:35
Kindness Assembly PK (Mrs. Bazzi) -5
Firehouse Assembly (Morrison, Moon)
Blueberry ParfaitTater Tot Casserole w/biscuit
TuesdayGSRP begins full days, 8:35-3:35Mozzarella Cheese QuesadillaTurkey & Cheese Sandwich
WednesdayBook Bingo 6:00Crispy Popcorn ChickenPower Pack, Pita & Labneh
Thursday Cheese PizzaTurkey & Cheese Wrap
Friday Halal Beef HotdogPeach Parfait