DuVall Elementary School

Week of September 12-16

Dear DuVall Families,
Thank you to the parents that volunteered to plant mums and make our bench cushions for kindergarten. I will be sending an email to our mum moms. If you don’t receive one by the end of the day today (Sunday) please contact me. Thank you to all of the families that donated baked goods for the PTA sale during Open House.

I would also like to thank our PTA. They have been hard at work. We encourage all of our families to join the PTA and, if possible, to volunteer for at least one event during the year. Many hands make light work. Our first meeting of the year is Wednesday at 6:30 in the Media Center or you can join by Zoom at: https://dearbornschools-org.zoom.us/j/88243661879?pwd=ZlBlZit0bG42WjE3TEVWSWd4YnJXZz09

Meeting ID: 882 4366 1879
Passcode: 753268

We hope to see you there!

Many of you received a CEP letter on Friday. I can’t emphasize enough the importance of having you fill out the entire form and returning it to us. The return of these letters dictate our school funding. Last year we had over 90% of our families return the letter. Due to this our funding increased this year. Currently, this funding assists in paying part of Mrs. Fakih’s salary, intervention materials, and more. I will be discussing it further at this week’s PTA meeting.

Please read the reminders below:

Thank you everyone! Have a great week,

Mary Timpf

Monday, September 12: 1st choice: macaroni & cheese

2nd choice: blueberry parfait

Tuesday, September 13: Music assembly, K-2 @9:30, 3rd-5th @10:30

Mums order due

1st choice: Cat in the Hat Strawberry Yogurt

2nd choice: Spaghetti Marinara with Meatballs

Wednesday, September 14: 6:30 PTA Meeting, Media Center and Zoom

1st choice: Cheese Quesadilla

2nd choice: Southwest Veggie Wrap

Thursday, September 15:

1st choice: Cheese Pizza

2nd choice: Sunbutter & Jelly Sandwich

Friday, September 16: 12:05 dismissal