Welcome to Duvall Elementary School
Early Release Tuesday 9/10
Friendly Reminder- Dismissal at 2:25 pm today.
Official Calendars
Grades, attendance, and student information system
Student links and resources.
Welcome to Duvall Elementary School
Friendly Reminder- Dismissal at 2:25 pm today.
Dear DuVall Families, Parents, PLEASE follow traffic rules. I am asking you to put our student’s safety before your convenience. Sometimes a parent may think it is just one car breaking a rule one time but in reality, it is many cars breaking the rules many times. We...
Just a reminder that today starts early dismissals on Tuesdays at 2:25pm. This will be every Tuesday through May.
Dear DuVall Families, Thank you to our families that were able to complete the CEP Form last week. This is the household income form that was sent home. The completion of this form determines our funding. We are now a Schoolwide Title One School, which means that...
Dear Parents/Guardians, Dearborn Public Schools will be participating in the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) as part of the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs for the School Year 2024-2025. All students enrolled at our school can receive a...
Dear DuVall Families, Welcome back to a new school year! The staff nd I are so excited to welcome back our students and families on Monday. Every Sunday expect to receive an email from me outlining the next week and providing school information. It is important to...
أعزائي عائلات دوفال الابتدائية ، أنا متحمسة لبدء العام الدراسي الجديد. شكراً جزيلاً لجميع الأشخاص الذين عملوا بجد هذا الصيف لإعداد بنايتنا للموظفين والطلاب ، وخاصة مهندسنا ديف برايس وعمال النظافة جيتا كامبيروفسكا وكارول كيلي. كما عمل مدير المشاريع في مدرستنا...
Dear DuVall Families, I am excited to begin our new school year. Many thanks to all of the people who have been hard at work this summer to prepare our building for staff and students, especially our engineer Dave Brice and our custodians Carol Kelley, Jeta...
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