DuVall Elementary School

Class News

April calendar reminder

Sharing a reminder with the community that the Dearborn Public Schools will be closed on Tuesday, April 9th and Wednesday, April 10th. Students do not attend school on those two days. Schools will resume on Thursday, April 11th.   A great deal of advanced...

Solar eclipse coming April 8!

The solar eclipse is coming April 8, 2024! The last time our area could view a solar eclipse was August 2017. During that partial eclipse, Dearborn experienced about 78% coverage. This solar eclipse will be a near-total eclipse, with the moon estimated to cover about...

Holiday Shop

Our Holiday Shop letter was sent home before spring break with more detailed information. We need volunteers and would love if parents could help their own child’s class when they shop. This should only take about 30 minutes. Here are link to donate bags and to...

Parent Meeting

DuVall Parent Meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 2nd at 9:10 in the Media Center. The topic is M-Step, which is for 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade parents. All parents will receive a book and Penguin Points for each of their children. Donuts and coffee will be served.

Week of April 1-5

Dear DuVall Families, I hope everyone had a restful and enjoyable Spring Break and that you enjoy your Easter Holiday today. Many wishes for a continued Happy Ramadan. We will begin M-Step testing on April 16th. Parents are encouraged to write a note of motivation to...

Sora book update and public library

We are sharing an update for students and parents regarding the Sora app, which is again available to district students. Through Sora, students are able to see books available through the Midwest Collaborative for Library Services provided by the Dearborn Public...

Dearborn Baseball

Dearborn Baseball is in its 42nd year of our partnership with the City of Dearborn to provide Baseball and Fastpitch (softball) to the youth of the City of Dearborn. As you know, we are trying to get our message out to boys and girls of all ages 5-17. In the past, we...

Week of March 18-22

Dear DuVall Families, Thank you to everyone who volunteered and donated to our Community dinner last Friday. Everyone had a wonderful time, especially our students. Many thanks to our PTA for providing healthy snacks for our staff during conferences last week. Our...