DuVall Elementary School

Shamrock Shuffle

Our annual Shamrock Shuffle is Sunday, March 16 at 1:00 at the O.L. Smith Middle School track.

Wear your green! Games, refreshments, prizes for best costume and best family group costumes! Rainbow colors will be flying and maybe you’;; even see a leprechaun! All family and friends invited and welcome to participate.

Proceeds to benefit DuVall PTA. Participation is $10, however, great prizes for different fundraising levels available.

Click for the flier: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hD7Kcig5lKEambEXlBYlvcxY5XpvWPY-/view?usp=sharing

Click here for the pledge form: https://drive.google.com/file/d/14B_kalV3yk6CLqD6JXKi-NeKFzOCq5Mw/view?usp=sharing

Click here for the prizes levels: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Fn200Ujl4IEllStmv_c5Rl7HpMDswxz8/view?usp=sharing