DuVall Elementary School

Today’s Chess Match

For the chess scrimmage at Geer park on Wednesday, March 22. 

Chess players will need to have their own transportation to Geer Elementary (address: 14767 Prospect St, Dearborn, MI 48126) and home.  Ms. Courtright will not be able to take any students.  Parents can make arrangements with other parents as needed.  Please make sure your child knows the plan!

We will be able to leave school early (3:40) to avoid traffic.  Please pick your child up from the office at that time. We will be playing in the media center/library which is right when you walk in the front doors- you can park in the lot that is by the intersection of Chalres and Prospect (the other lot is gated closed at that time). It should be mostly cleared out by 4:10. You can also park on the side streets.  The chess scrimmage will start at 4:15 pm and will be done at approximately 5:00 pm.  Please plan on staying. 

Questions?  Email me:  courtrl@dearbornschools.org

Thanks and see you there!