DuVall Elementary School

Week of March 17-21, 2025

Dear DuVall Families,

We are excited about the opportunity to hold Summer Discovery at DuVall. It will be a great program filled with learning and fun. Please use this link to register: https://forms.gle/kjty9qa26u8X65zt7  It’s important that you register ASAP. Please see me with any questions you may have. As you scroll through the registration document many of your questions will be answered. This is a FREE program and will help your child avoid losing all of the gains they have made this year.

To all of our families celebrating, have a wonderful rest of Ramadan and enjoy your Eid holiday. Eid Mubarek! 

To everyone, enjoy your spring break. Encourage your students to read, relax, have fun and enjoy their break. 

THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!! We have raised the $1,200 needed for new chairs for the lounge. We have ordered them and are excitedly awaiting their arrival. Many thanks to the Hammoud, Majed, Vanderwaal and Ross families that very generously donated last week bringing us to the amount needed. 

Thank you Robbin Makled and friends for all of your work in organizing the Shamrock Shuffle! It was a great event and lots of fun!

Our Kindergarten Round-Up is scheduled for Monday, April 14 at 6:00. Information on kindergarten registration for all Dearborn Public Schools can be found at: https://superintendent.dearbornschools.org/2025/03/12/press-release-27-kindergarten-roundups-set-for-april-across-the-district/

We are in need of donations for our Ice Cream Social. Items donated will be put in baskets for a tin can raffle. Everything donated can be claimed and is tax exempt. 2025 Duvall ICS Donation Letter.pdf Here is a link to our Ice Cream Social flier: 2025 Ice Cream Social Flyer (1).pdf

This week’s notes:

  • Robotics will be on Wednesday this week. After spring break it will continue to be on Thursdays.
  • Math Club is canceled this week.
  • Running Club is canceled this week.
  • Due to the book fair being in the Media Center the Parent Meeting originally scheduled for Thursday will be held Thursday, April 3rd. The topic is M-Step and is primarily for 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade parents.
  • Parents, when you leave the playground in the morning please close the gates. Thank you
  • This is Book Fair Week!
  • Change Challenge Week! Ambassadors are asked to stay after school on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday to help count the change. They will be dismissed at 4:30. We understand that every Ambassador cannot stay everyday.
  • Developmental preschool is having an open house for parents on April 15 from 4:15-6:00pm.
  • Kindergarten and first grade concerts will be: Monday, April 21st – Ross’s – 9:10-9:55 and Press – 3:00-3:45. Wednesday, Hernandez – 9:10-9:55, Hughes 3:00-3:45
  • Congratulations to to the following students for having their work displayed in the City Art Show: Ana ArangoMadrid, Jordan Batha, Alivia Beavers, Ana Beavers, Asher Burkman, Eleanora Deller, Amina Dgheish, Kawin Dowgiallo, Anne Gross, Evelyn Pinon, Andrea Porras, Isaiah Rafferty, Ana Ryan. Thank you Mrs. Freed for all of your hard work with this event.

Important notes worth repeating:

  • We are collecting donations, both monetary and prizes of any kind for our Ice Cream Social. Please be as generous as possible.
  • Math Club is canceled this week.
  • Doodle Club will resume after spring break.
  • Summer Adventure Club will be held at Snow Elementary this year. This is a paid program and is open to all Dearborn Public Schools students. summer camp english.png   summercamparabic.png
  • GSRP preschool registration is April 25th. Click here for more information: GSRP Registration Flyer for 2025-2026.pdf
  • Math Club will be canceled April 2. Mrs. Morrison will be at training that day. 
  • Sun Bucks: SUN Bucks is the new name for the Summer EBT grocery benefit. Eligible families will receive $120 per child to purchase groceries over the summer. Once you’re enrolled, SUN Bucks will be automatically added to your SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) account or you will be issued a separate electronic benefit transfer (EBT) card. Note: Families can receive SUN Bucks on top of other nutrition benefits like SNAP and WIC (Women, Infants, and Children.)
DayThis Week’s ScheduleFirst ChoiceSecond ChoiceWatch D.O.G.S.
MondaySt. Patrick’s Day   Dress in an all green outfit! 8:00 Arts & Crafts Book Fair opened 9:00-11:00, 4:00-5:004:00 3rd Grade Tutoring, Room 1074:00 Lego Club 4:00 DuVall Depot4:00 Butterfly & Garden ClubCheese Stuffed Breadsticks w/Marinara, Seasoned Roasted VegetablesChilled Peach Parfait W/ Graham Crackers & String Cheese, Seasoned Roasted VegetablesEd Moore
TuesdayT-Shirt Reading  Wear shirts and pants with words on them.8:20 Staff Meeting11:00 Tornado DrillBook Fair, 1:00-3:002:25 Early ReleaseHalal Cheeseburger, Steamed CornSunbutter & Jelly Sandwich, Steamed Corn
WednesdayCollege Day: Wear your favorite college gear8:00 Green School Club4:00 3rd Grade Tutoring, Room 107 4:00 The Lion King rehearsal4:00 RoboticsVegetarian Garlic & Herb Alfredo Rotini, Italian Veggie BlendGrande Cheesy Nachos, Italian Veggie Blend
ThursdayCozy Day – Wear Pjs and dream of a good book.8:00 Chess4:00 3rd Grade Tutoring, Room 107 4:00-4:30 Lion King rehearsal for speaking parts only4:00 Girl Scouts Cookie BoothDelicious Cheese Pizza, Spiced Green BeansLoaded Veggie Sub, Spiced Green Beans
FridayLiteracy DayBook SwapDress up as your favorite book characterEnd of third card markingKindergarten dentist visitFish Sticks, Smiley FriesBlueberry Parfait W/ Graham Crackers & String Cheese, Smiley Fries

Upcoming Events, mark your calendars:

Friday, April 4: Book Bingo

Wednesday, April 9: PTA Meeting, 6:30

Friday, April 18: No school

Friday, April 25: Family Game Night

May 5-9: Teacher Appreciation Week

Wednesday, May 14: PTA Meeting, 6:30

May 22: Field Day 

Thursday, May 29: Ice Cream Social Set-up

May 30: Ice Cream Social

June 2: Park and Pool 

June 3rd Tentative: 5th Grade Water Park trip

June 5: 5th Grade / Staff Kickball Game.

June 6: 5th Grade Promotion, 10:00am

Friday, June 6: Last day of school, 12:05 dismissal

Saturday, June 7: Native Plant Sale

Link to 2024-2025 Tentative DuVall Calendar

Have a good week,

Mary Timpf