DuVall Elementary School

STEAM Opportunity for 4th and 5th Girls

Dear Parents,

I receied this email and am forwarding it on behalf of F.E.M.M.E.S. (Women+ Excelling More in Math, Engineering, and Science) at the University of Michigan, we would like to invite your students to our Winter Explore Capstone!

The F.E.M.M.E.S. Explore Capstone event this year will be an in-person event from 10 AM – 4 PM Saturday, March 22nd for 4th to 6th graders, held at the University of Michigan. This event will expose students to various interactive STEM activities, allow them to gain hands-on experience in performing some experiments and projects, and give them an opportunity to interact with women pursuing college degrees and careers in STEM. All of the events are specifically designed to support girls* in developing confidence and interest in STEM fields, but like all F.E.M.M.E.S activities, is open to students of all genders. This event is completely free and at no cost to participants. Lunch is included.

We are hoping that you will help us spread the word to your students! To this email, I have attached a flyer with the information about the event registration. They can register for our event via this online link: https://umich.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_b9GZcicLUxSGX0q

The registration deadline is Friday, March 14th, 2025.

You can also read more about F.E.M.M.E.S. and our Winter Capstone events on our website: https://www.femmes.studentorgs.umich.edu/capstones