DuVall Elementary School

Week of September 9-13, 2024

Dear DuVall Families,

Parents, PLEASE follow traffic rules. I am asking you to put our student’s safety before your convenience. Sometimes a parent may think it is just one car breaking a rule one time but in reality, it is many cars breaking the rules many times. We have parents and neighbors calling our office and complaining about traffic every day, but more important is student safety. So please do the right thing, be good role models for our children and follow the rules. Also, the alley at Beech and Nona is not a DuVall parking spot. A parent parked there and was asked to move but she refused. I don’t know who the parent was but received a picture of the car. Please be positive role models for your children and obey the rules.

Our first PTA Meeting of the year is Wednesday at 6:30. Please join us in the Media Center or on Zoom. The Zoom link is: https://dearbornschools-org.zoom.us/j/84257737447?pwd=Ywxy4mMMsRoyLEKnUAKQtkZWaw2ddU.1 The meeting ID is: 842 5773 7447 The Passcode is: 650400

Friday is our first PTA event of the year! We are having our first ever Outside Family Movie Night. Concessions will be sold beginning at 6:30 and the movie will start at 7:00. Bring your own chairs or blankets to sit on. The movie we will be watching is Coco. We need volunteers and items to sell. Please click here to see how you can help out: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C084DACAE28A7F8C61-51140371-movie Thank you in advance for being awesome and helping out our students.

THANK YOU to those that have returned their CEP Household Income forms. We have over 70 families that have returned the forms but still need almost 50 families to return them. Remember our funding is greatly determined by these forms. As a Schoolwide Title One School this funding pays for our Promethean Boards and projectors, pays salaries for Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Pinon who provide intervention to our students, purchases Chromecarts, pays for teacher training, and a whole lot more. We are asking that all forms be turned in this week.

Monday is our DuVall Day of Kindness. We ask that everyone wears a shirt with the word kind or a blue shirt. Since 2021 our staff has selected September 9th to remember a friend of our staff who was lost due to a random act of violence. Since her loss, her family (which includes a DuVall staff member) has advocated for random acts of kindness in her memory. We do not share with our students the reason that prompted our advocacy for kindness so they are unaware of the reason behind our Day of Kindness. They just know that we are a school that promotes kindness on a daily basis and on Monday we will complete some activities that teach kindness. We appreciate your help in developing skills in our children so they grow up to be kind individuals and thank you for being role models of kindness.

This week’s notes:

  • Mum orders are due Thursday. Please support our PTA! All of their hard work benefits all of our students.
  • If you would like to enroll your child(ren) in our 90-minute Early Release Enrichment Club, click on this link: bit.ly/TuesdayEnrichment This link will take you directly to the signup. There is a $11.00 charge for this care each week your child attends. Please try and sign-up by the Friday prior to Early Release.
  • If students are having breakfast they can arrive at 8:35. There is no supervision before that time and students should not be in the building. If students need to arrive prior to 8:35 we have Kids Club. This is a paid service. However, there is an application for financial assistance. If students are not going to breakfast they should not arrive around 8:55. If they come early to play on the playground they must have parent supervision.
  • Popcorn is scheduled for Friday. We still need volunteers to pop. Please sign up at: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C084DACAE28A7F8C61-50966294-friday Even though there is a class assigned to each date, volunteers can be from any class. Popcorn is 50 cents per bag. Students are limited to purchasing four bags.
  • All parents should complete an iChat if they do not have one on file. They are good for three years. Anyone volunteering in the classroom, at school, or on a field trip must have an iChat. It takes two weeks for the iChat to be approved. If you are a kindergarten or first grade parent that will be attending their September 30 field trip you should come in this week to complete your iChat to make sure it is processed before the trip.
  • Parents, thank you for closing the gates as you leave in the morning. Please continue doing this, it helps out a lot!
  • Early Release is every Tuesday. Students are dismissed at 2:25.
DateThis Week’s ScheduleBreakfastLunch First ChoiceLunch Second Choice
MondayiReady window opens
DuVall’s Day of Kindness
7:00 Board of Education Meeting
Assorted cereal, fruit, cereal barsCheese QuesadillaTurkey & Cheese Wrap
Tuesday2:25 Early ReleaseAssorted cereal, fruit, banana muffinVeggie Pasta AlfredoSunbutter & Jelly
Wednesday9:15-10:15 GSRP begins, with parents
6:30 PTA Meeting, Media Center or Zoom
Assorted cereal, fruit, oatmeal roundsScrambled Eggs & PancakesStrawberry Parfait
ThursdayMum orders are due
8:35-11:35 GSRP students only
Assorted cereal, fruit, organic honey bunsCheese PizzaCrispy Chicken Salad
FridayPopcorn Day
9:30 Fire Drill
6:30 Outdoor Movie Night
Assorted cereal, fruit, cereal barsChicken NuggetsLabneh Pita Power Pack

Upcoming Events, mark your calendars:

September 18, 6:00: Watch D.O.G.S. Pizza Night and Sign-Up

Friday, September 27: Book Bingo, 6:00

September 27-October 4: Book Fair

Tuesday, October 1: No School for Students, Teachers Professional Development

Saturday, October 5: Family Kickball Game, 11:00

Wednesday, October 9: PTA Meeting, 6:30

Friday, October 18: Halloween Dance, 6:00-8:00

Friday October 25: 12:05 dismissal, teacher duty day

Thursday, October 31: Trunk of Treat, 2:30

Link to 2024-2025 Tentative DuVall Calendar

Have a great week,

Mary Timpf
