DuVall Elementary School

Week of May 27-31

Dear DuVall Families,

Thank you to everyone who attended our Clean-Up Parade. Our students did a great job. Many thanks to our teachers for providing instruction that aligns with protecting our Earth. A special thanks to Mrs. Hughes, Ms. Stupar, and Ms. Mendez for their leadership with our Green Club and Mrs. Hughes for facilitating all aspects of the parade.

Thank you Ms. Rafferty and students for a great spring concert. Many thanks to our parents for bringing the students and dressing them in decade or DuVall clothes.

Thank you Mrs. Aleman and 5th grade students for a great instrumental concert! Our students sounded great and are ready to continue their music education in middle school.

Thank you Mr. Tapp, the parents and all of the teachers for their work and help coordinating field day. As always, the kids had a great time!

Our day begins with the Pledge of Allegiance and DuVall Pledge on the playground at 8:55. Breakfast is served from 8:35-8:55. Students should not arrive before 8:35 because there is no supervision for them. It’s also important that your child is not late. Teachers begin the day at 9:00. School is over at 3:55. Please be prompt when picking up your child. Many of them, especially our little ones, get scared if no is there for them at the end of the day. Even though we only have two weeks left of school our students are still learning. It is important they come to school everyday. Even the fun days provide an opportunity for them to learn to socialize and follow directions, even though they are having fun.

When we are saying the pledge in the morning, please model for our children proper behavior. Conversations should occur before or after the pledge, our right hand is on our heart, and we are participating in saying the pledges.

Park & Pool, it is recommended that siblings do not attend. Pizza will not be provided for any siblings. We have our entire school attending and with so many kids to watch adding more children will make things more difficult. Middle school and high school students have school so they should be in attendance at their own school.

This week’s notes:

  • If you are planning on coming to Park & Pool on June 3rd you must have an iChat. This should be filled out ASAP!
  • PLEASE, if you have not donated anything for your child’s class basket for the Ice Cream Social please send it in this week. We are asking for a $5.00 minimum per child. Teachers generally take out of their own pocket to cover the basket and it can be quite pricey for one person to do this. If everyone chips in, the goal of providing a nice basket for our biggest fundraiser of the year is easier to reach.
  • Our Lost & Found is FULL. Please take a look. Everything will be donated at the end of the year.
  • We are hoping that all of our Penguins return next year. However, the reality is that some will move to other schools. If this is the case, please let us know as soon as you can. It will help us dividing students into classes for next year. Your child cannot be dropped until we get a notice from their new school but having the information is still helpful to us.
  • On the right side of our school blog is a SafeBox where we can be anonymously informed about bullying. We are always here to listen, however if you prefer to remain anonymous this is an available option.

Notes worth repeating:

  • There is no Early Release on June 4th. Dismissal on June 4th will be 3:55.
  • We have a few extra yearbooks in the office. The cost is $13.00.
  • Our Native Plant Sale is June 1st, 9:00-2:00. Students have brought home the information. You can view the flier at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-x3DCC7BowrTmKOAbv5MOu8YCGq5eo3t/view?usp=sharing and the order form at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/15eFZBabliexhxALfh3D2X_LRCeSx49aO/view?usp=sharing
  • Graduating seniors that attended DuVall for elementary school are invited to lead our 5th graders in their clap out that occurs right before their promotion ceremony. This is scheduled for Friday, June 7th at 9:45 with the ceremony at 10:00. We are asking that all seniors arrive at DuVall about 9:30 in their caps and gowns. Please pass the word!
  • Edsel Ford High School is hosting a youth football camp June 26th & 27th.  It is for students grade 3-8th (Grade in the fall).  Link to flier

Have a great week!

Mary Timpf

DateThis Week’s ScheduleLunch First ChoiceLunch Second ChoiceWatch D.O.G.S.
MondayNo School – Memorial Day
TuesdayRainbow Day – wear lots of colors
2:25 Early Release
chicken tendersSunbutter & jellyBob & Grace Ryan
WednesdayStory Day
Last day for GSRP
8:00 Arts & Crafts
Scrambled eggs & pancakesCat in the Hat strawberry parfait
ThursdayTalent DaypizzaTuna salad sandwich
FridayUSA – wear red, white, blue
Popcorn Day
5:30 Ice Cream Social
Mac & cheeseSouthwest veggie wrapLisbett GonzalezAbraham Salgado
Saturday9:00 Native Plant Sale – Edison Street Sale

Upcoming Dates: 

June 3: Park & Pool 

June 4: Kona Ice Truck

June 5: 5th Grade Park & Pool

June 6: 5th Grade vs. Staff Kickball Game

June 7: 5th Grade Promotion, 10:00 (9:45 Clap-out) Last day of school

June 7: Last day of school for students 1/2 day a.m., dismissal 12:05; Teacher duty day p.m.