DuVall Elementary School

Week of November 13-17

Dear DuVall Families,

This is National Kindness Week! We will celebrate this week by participating in the Battle Against Hunger! We are collecting non-perishable foods to help those in need. The goal of every classroom is 100 items. The class with the most items will win a pizza party, provided they hit the 100 items goal. This also aligns to our November practice of gratitude. We are thankful for what we have so we are helping others.

We will also have a little fun for Kindness Week. *Monday: wear blue or any “kind” shirt *Tuesday: Kindness is a super power. Dress like your favorite superhero. *Wednesday: DuVall is a KIND family. Show your school spirit and wear a DuVall shirt or our school colors, black and white. *Thursday: Bullying Makes Me Crazy, dress in crazy colors, mismatched, wacky combinations. *Friday: Put Bullying to Rest, pajama day.

When you enter the office, we have replaced our “sign-in” book with two Guest Books. One is for family members signing their children in or checking them out. The other is for visitors. Both books now have a column where you are invited to leave a comment. We will use these comments when determining which practices, we have in place should stay and which ones need to be improved.

Our students and staff are writing something they are grateful for everyday on a post-it note and displaying them in the hallway. We can’t wait until all of our notes start connecting to neighboring rooms. When stopping by the office, parents are encouraged to take a post-it note and write something they are grateful for too an add it to our hallway notes.

One thing I am grateful for is our wonderful and supportive community. Thank you for everything you do to make DuVall a loving, caring, fun, and student-centered school.

This week’s notes:

  • Please do not send in glass containers in your child’s lunchboxes. We have had multiple containers break already this year.
  • Penguin Players is canceled this week due to conferences.
  • Show your gratitude to one of our staff members and write them a note. There are notes on the counter in the office.
  • Show kindness to your child and write them a note. There are notes on the counter in the office.
  • When attending conferences, parents must come to door 1 and ring the bell to be buzzed in. No doors will be unlocked during conferences.
  • During conferences there will be a table set up in the hall with all of the Lost and Found items. Please take a few moments to look through everything on this table and take what belongs to your child.
  • Welcome back Sandi Smith! Mrs. Smith is our 2nd and 3rd grade interventionist. Mrs. Smith is a retired Dearborn teacher who has does part-time intervention at DuVall for the past three years.
  • Welcome Mrs. Duhanxiu (Mrs. D.), our new Special Education Resource Teacher. Mrs. D. sent a letter home on Friday with all of the students she works with.
  • If you are not receiving notifications from DuVall via texts and would like to, please email Ms. Jen (schultj@dearbornschools.org) so that we can opt your number in and you will start receiving notifications that are sent via text.
  • Students in grades Pre-K, Kindergarten, 1st, 4th and 5th Grades will have their vision and or hearing screening during the school day on Dec, 6,7,8,11. This is a free service provided by the Wayne County Dept of Health. Parents of students who do not pass their screenings will be notified by mail from the Health Dept.
  • As the weather changes it is important that students are dressed appropriately. We recommend sending your student to school with layers as the mornings are becoming cooler and the afternoons tend to warm up. Please be sure to send your student to school with appropriate shoes as well…. ex: tennis shoes for gym, rain boots, snow boots etc. Please make sure your students’ clothing is labeled.  Our goal is to go outside during recess every chance that we get unless it is raining outside or temperature/wind chill drops below 20 degrees F.
  • Every Tuesday students are released at 2:25 PM for Early Release Day! Please be mindful about picking your student up on time. If you’d like to register your student for Early Release Enrichment Club, please CLICK HERE
  • Our Holiday Shop will be November 29th-30th, 8:30-4:15. December 1st will be a make-up day for students who missed their scheduled visit. We are looking for volunteers for full days and to assist your child’s class during their assigned time slot. Please review the available slots on Sign-up Genius at: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C084DACAE28A7F8C61-45727403-holiday This is not a fundraiser and items will be sold at cost. Thank you!
  • We are looking for someone to co-chair the Native Plant Sale. The date is June 1st and runs at the same time as the Edison Street Sale. We hire a company that comes with the plants and sets up everything. We are responsible for cashing the customers out. This is a profitable fundraiser for us. Please consider helping out.
  • Our book fair is December 4-8. We will be sharing a Sign-up Genius asking for volunteers.
  • Penguin Players are canceled this week due to conferences.
  • Running Club is canceled on Friday.
  • We will be having a yearlong family tree in the lobby. We will trim according to the holiday/season but are also asking families and staff to contribute one ornament. The ornament can be homemade by your family, represent what is special to your family or something your family enjoys doing together, have your family name on it, etc. whatever you would like to share. We should have the tree up by the end of the week so beginning next week we invite you to bring in your ornament.
  • December’s Penguin Practice will be generosity. We will be collecting hats, gloves, and scarves for the needy and will also be collecting for Veterans like we did last year. Information will be sent as time gets closer. I wanted to give you advance notice so if you see any Black Friday sales and would like to donate you know what is coming up.
DateThis Week’s ScheduleLunch First ChoiceLunch Second Choice
MondayNational Kindness day: Wear a “kind” shirt or the color blue.
7:45 Art Club, Room 101
9:15 LAHC Developmental Preschool & GSRP Preschool
9:15 Children’s Oral Health Advocacy Project, classroom (Moon)
10:15 Children’s Oral Health Advocacy Project, classroom (Shapas)
4:30-7:00 Empty Bowls, Park Place (Art Club students participated)
7:00 Board of Education Meeting
Bosco SticksSunbutter & Jelly
TuesdayKindness is a super power.  Dress like your favorite superhero.
2:25 Early Release
2:30-8:30 Conferences
Chicken NuggetsTurkey & Cheese Sandwich
WednesdayDuVall spirit day: Our DuVall family is kind.  Show your school spirit-wear your DuVall shirts or our colors, black and white.
GSRP Preschool – No students
8:00 Music Club, room 111
4:00-7:00 Conference
THANKSGIVING LUNCH Herb Roasted Turkey w/Fixings (No second choice)
ThursdayBullying Makes Me Crazy Day: Dress in crazy colors, mismatched and wacky. 
8:00 Chess Club
Cheese PizzaVeggie Wrap
FridayPut Bullying to Rest: Pajama Day
Popcorn Day
Running Club is canceled today
4:00-5:00 Doodle Club – last day for this session
HotdogsChicken Ranch Wrap

Upcoming Dates:

November 22: No school – Conference release day

November 23-24: No school – Thanksgiving

November 29-30, December 1: Holiday Shop

December 1: Lock-in, 6:00-8:00 & Holiday Shop make-up

December 4-8: Book Fair

December 7: Sip & Shop (Storytime, hot chocolate, book fair)

December 13: PTA Meeting 6:30, Media Center and Zoom

December 22:  Schools close at end of day for Winter Break

December 25 – January 7: No school – Winter Break

Have a great week!

Mary Timpf