DuVall Elementary School

Week of December 5-9

Dear DuVall Families,

Many thanks to all of the teachers that volunteered for Math Night, especially Mrs. Grahl who organized the events. Thank you to all of the volunteers from the Lock-in last week, especially Mrs. Pinon for running the event. Thank you Mr. Johair for being last week’s Watch DOG.

Our Positive Penguin Practice for December & January is generosity, Out students will be learning what this word means and how they can show generosity. Ways they are encouraged to show generosity is to donate to our Veterans collection and donating their time to help others, such as assisting with our younger students, helping neighbors or family members, even helping others with simple gestures like holding a door open for someone. Thank you for being supportive. Our students are growing into kinder, more responsible, thankful, and generous citizens because we work together and they are hearing a consistent message.

This week is our book fair. To view the letter click here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vPr7huRZaoufmfAzW2qTccN4YjT1FOrq/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=104780840291113704430&rtpof=true&sd=true

This week’s notes:

  • Our students here at DuVall will be participating in a Jump Off the week of December 12th in their gym classes. This event is a fundraiser for the American Heart Association and an excellent way for our students to learn about the importance of physical activity, healthy habits, and community service. Also picking back up will be the Winter leg of the Walk N Roll Challenge. I will be out on the track Monday mornings at 845 to do some laps with any interested(signed up) student. This will begin the week of December 4th and end the week of March 24th. Thanks again for promoting and being a role model to all of our MVP’s. Bryan Tapp, Physical Education Teacher
  • Kindergarten parents, please put an extra set of clothes in your child’s backpack. First grade parents, you may also want to do this. Sometimes our students will go down a wet slide before we can stop them.
  • We are not able to reimburse for field trips your child doesn’t attend, once it is paid. We are required to make a reservation with a specific number attending and have to pay for that amount. Refunding families means the money must come out of our school fund. Thank you for understanding.
  • If anyone is interested in becoming a substitute noon hour, please apply at: https://dearbornschools.org/services/new-hire-new-employee-information-and-forms/ If you have any questions please let me know. It does take some time to complete all of the hiring paperwork. If you apply please let me know.
  • Monday will be the 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade spelling bees. The winners of each grade will go to the district spelling bee later in the year.
  • The missing wallet was found. Someone either dropped it off in the owner’s mailbox or mailed it. Many thanks to whomever had a part in its return.
  • If you are interested in participating in our parent book club, sign-up at: https://forms.gle/MkATwtHMbYtukEpN9 We will begin after the first of the year. So far we have 11 parents interested. Our goal is to hold one gathering during the day and another in the evening, depending on the needs of the majority.
  • Due to Late Start, Vivace Singers do not meet this week.
  • Please remember to have your child wear hats and gloves along with a winter coat. WWe go outside if the wind chill is above 20 degrees.
  • You can almost smell that new book excitement!
  • It’s Scholastic Book Fair time! From December5th-9th come experience the limitless possibilities with your kids. Every purchase supports our school. https://www.scholastic.com/bf/duvallelementaryschool1
  • Please contact the office at 827-2750 if your child is going to be absent. If there is an extended absence due to travel please contact the office and the teacher. These type of absences are discouraged. I realize your child will make up missed work but they are also missing instruction.
  • Breakfast begins at 8:35. Please enter through door 1 if you are coming for breakfast. There is no supervision prior to 8:35. Student drop-off for those not attending breakfast is on Francis. Mrs. Chromicz is at door 5 beginning at 8:50 to let students in so they can cut through the school to the playground.

Have a great week,

Mary Timpf

DayActivities1st Choice2nd ChoiceWatch DOGS
MondayBook Fair Week
5 Below Fundraiser Week: Click here for the flier
December Fun Kick-off: wear red, green or an outfit in your favorite color
3rd, 4th, 5th Grade Spelling Bees
Instrumental Music Class  – 5th Grade
Mac & CheeseTurkey & Cheese Sandwich
TuesdayTwinkle Tuesday: Wear something that sparkles or shines
7:00-8:30 City Beautiful Breakfast @FCPAC (Hussein C. & Noor H. DuVall representatives)
8:00 Math Club, 5th Grade, Room 202
Halal Chicken NuggetsMandarin Orange Parfait
WednesdaySnowman Day: Wear any snowman shirt, scarf, hat
Late Start
4:00-5:00 4th Grade DuVall Depot, Room 203
Grande Cheesy NachosBeef Taco SaladMr. Zitkovic 12:00-4:00
ThursdayStorytime & Hot Chocolate after school (free event, Book Fair books available for purchase)
Pajama Day 8:00
Chess Club, Room 202
Delicious Cheese PizzaVeggie Wrap
FridayPenguin Day: Wear any DuVall shirt
Popcorn Day (Ross)
Fish SticksStrawberry Parfait 

Upcoming Dates:

December 14, PTA Meeting 6:30, Media Center and Zoom

December 19-23, Holiday Shop

December 23,  Schools close at end of day for Winter Break

December 26 – January 6, No school – Winter Break

January 9, 2023, Schools reopens