DuVall Elementary School

Week of November 7-11

Dear DuVall Families,

Many thanks to our PTA for purchasing the grade level t-shirts for our students. These shirts are to be worn on all field trips and other events that the teachers request they be worn. These shirts replace the end of the year shirts we previously sold. Our PTA and I felt if the shirts were purchased at the beginning of the year it would provide more use out of them. The shirts do not have a year so they can be passed down to younger siblings. The PTA was in a position to purchase the shirts this year. In upcoming years the shirts may have to be sold.

Construction Update: Our first two rooms (Mrs. Moon & Mrs. Alabakoff) are complete. They have new lighting and new ceilings. They also have all of the updates needed for the new H-VAC systems that will be fully functional by next school year. Many thanks to our teachers and students who moved out and three weeks later moved back in, were flexible, and kept teaching and learning without missing a beat. This situation is an added, yet necessary, stress on everyone and they are handling it with grace and a smile on their faces. Mrs. Courtright and Mrs. Talluto moved their classes out on Friday. These students and teachers also did a fabulous job. They will return to their classroom approximately on November 29th, which is when our kindergarteners will then move out.

I have reviewed every student report card. Our students are doing very well. I am proud of them and their hard work. Please have a conversation with your child about their report card. Discuss all of the positives and then give them an area to improve in for the next report card. It’s important to have goals to work towards. We also tell our students, we learn so much when we make mistakes so if they are having trouble in an area that’s okay. We want to be supportive of our students and where they are so we can help them progress upwards.

There are a lot of notes below. Please take your time and read through them. As always, if you have any questions, please contact me.

This week’s notes:

  • DuVall is a scent-free building. When students or parents come to school we are asking that you refrain from colognes, perfumes, and personal products that are fragrant. The reason for this is to keep staff and students with allergies healthy.
  • We had our first Doodle Club meeting on Friday. All of the students had a great time! Many thanks to Mrs. Van Horn and Mrs. Morgan for facilitating this club for our students.
  • Mrs. Clark and Mrs. Makled will be facilitating Butterfly & Garden Club on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month. They are beginning this week. Students will meeting in Room 101, 4:00-5:00. Parents should pick-up at Door 10.
  • Parents, when visiting, please never park in front of the gate in our back playground. Food service delivers lunch each day and come through that way. We have been having trouble with cars being parked there and the cafeteria supplies cannot be delivered.
  • I love how much our playground is used! We truly have a neighborhood playground where students, parents, and families gather. If you host any weekend celebration at our playground please bring a large garbage bag and put the garbage bag in our dumpster. Mondays often find us cleaning up paper plates, forks, and even pizza boxes stacked next to the garbage can. We appreciate your help in keeping our park clean. Our dumpster is generally for school use only but in these instances we can make an exception.
  • Parents are not allowed in the building unless they check in the office first. For safety reasons we must know who is in the building at all times.
  • Parent volunteers must arrange days and times they want to volunteer with the classroom teacher. Watch DOGS must sign up at least a week ahead of their day.
  • All volunteers must have an iChat filled out a minimum of two weeks before their volunteer day. The iChats are good for three years. I recommend every parent come in and fill one out ASAP. This way you are ready to go whenever you want to go on a field trip, be a Watch DOG, or volunteer.
  • Picture Retake will be December 6th.
  • Parents that attended the 2nd, 3rd, 4th grade field trip to the cider mill: There was a miscommunication and you should have been charged $10. for your ticket. The teachers paid, out of pocket, for 14 parents. If you are one of those parents, please send in the money for your ticket. Thank you
  • We are collecting non-perishable food items for the Zaman Foundation. This is part of the Battle of Hunger our three high schools collect for each year. Our collection will go towards Edsel Ford’s total. The class that collects the most non-perishable items will earn a pizza party. The deadline is November 15.
  • During conferences, only Door 1 will be available for entry.
  • During conferences, a table with all of the Lost & Found items will be set up in the hall. Please look through it for items that belong to your child. After November 16, all remaining items will be donated.
  • Please remind your children they must stay with their teacher until they are picked up. If they haven’t been picked up by 4:05 they will be brought to the office. If for some reason they lose track of their teacher they should wait with another teacher or Mrs. Timpf.
  • We share our special area teachers with other buildings so for conferences they divide their time between their buildings. If you would like to meet with any of them, their DuVall conference schedules are as follows: Ms. Mendez (art) will hold conferences in the cafeteria on Thursday, November 10th. Mr. Tapp (P.E.) will hold conferences in the gym on Thursday, November 10th and will be here part of the conference evening on Wednesday, November 16th. Mrs. Poisson (S.T.E.A.M.) will hold conferences in the cafeteria on Monday, November 7th. Mrs. Meyer (vocal music) will hold conferences in Room 111 on Monday, November 7th and Thursday, November 10th. Mr. McLennan (instrumental music) will hold conferences in Room 111 on Monday, November 7th. Mrs. Cwiek (Media) will hold conferences in the Media Center on Monday, November 7th.
  • At the last PTA meeting parents asked about helping with our new calming / sensory area. This is an area available to all students, with supervision, if they need a break due to anxiety, stress, being over-stimulated, or any other reason. Parents that are interested in viewing the area can seek me out during conferences. Part of the area is currently not set up due to the construction but when the second floor construction is complete at the end of this month it will be put back together. Items are also available for teachers to use in their classrooms if students prefer not to leave their room. Parents interested in donating an item to this area can view our wish list at: https://a.co/2JcprBd
  • The PTA will have an Election Day Bake Sale on Tuesday, November 8th. If you are able to donate or volunteer to work, please sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0a4fabaf2da2fb6-election

Have a great week!

Mary Timpf, DuVall Principal

This week’s schedule:

DayActivitiesWatch DOGS1st Choice2nd Choice
MondayConferences, 4:00-7:00, Enter Door 1French Toast SticksBlueberry Parfait
TuesdayNo School for Students
WednesdayVivace Singers, Room 111, 8:15-8:45, enter Door 1
4:00-5:00 Butterfly & Garden Club, Room 101
PTA Meeting, 6:30 in the Media Center & Zoom
Grace RyanSpaghetti Marinara w/meatballsSunbutter & Jelly Sandwich
Thursday8:00-8:45 Chess Club, enter Door 1
Conferences, 4:00-7:00, Enter Door 1
Cheese PizzaTurkey & Cheese Croissant
FridayWear blue in honor of National Diabetes Awareness Month
Doodle Club, Room 101, 4:00-5:00 pick-up door 10
Book Bingo, 6:00 pizza, bingo begins at 6:30, enter Door 1 or 5
Nacho & CheeseBlueberry Parfait